Sunday, June 3, 2007

On Sunday evenings the gourmand in us may tend to err towards the decadent. But now summer has us in her clutches and the fog lingers as an ambient marinade. It's cold and the first thought to possess our 'foodie' aptitude is seared ribeye, roasted root vegetables, and a cabernet reduction sauce. Why not? 'Keep it simple' is an oft philosophy of Brian to my occasional dismay. We went with it:

Chop vegetables to a similar thickness of about 1/2 inch (smaller sized carrots, turnip, parsnip, beets, yukon gold potato, and unpeeled garlic cloves). Toss in extra virgin olive oil, spread on a baking sheet and season with salt and pepper. Set oven at three fiddy and roast till done. Sear steak in a skillet over an open flame and finish in the oven.

Our interim locale is Brian's furnished sublet, an Inner Richmond haunt accented by Picasso prints and Bacon's Figura Tumbada and we're tempted to open a stray bottle of Condado de Hada but we refrain. Brian gets caught up in the aesthetic and launches into a rant on Hemmingway's time in Madrid highlighting the man's preference of Madrid over Pamplona. Caught in the moment he reaches for a bottle of saffron. I slap his hand. Cooler heads prevail though for a moment I thought I'd be running from a bull.

Story short. The mineral notes of root vegetable deliver a handsome and merry compliment to a ribeyes' 'machoness' ( we'd venture to say a cut 'Papa' frequently insisted on).


Brian Brown said...

I was not present for the meal but I'm pleased these two young talents are putting their heads together. It's nice to finally hear the real scoop and SF is undoubtedly better for it.

sleepless said...

Way to go lads. The tip-toeing fog of summer nights will be enlivened with pleasant meals.

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